Kitesurfing is (next to windsurfing and surfing) one of the most popular water sports. Kitesurfing is a sport that is usually practiced on a board called twin tip and involves using wind power and a big kite to pull the rider across the water. Surfing, on the other hand, is a sport for which the only thing we need is a board. It’s a large board (its size depends on how advanced the surfer is and on the size of the wave) which we use to catch the waves.
These two sports are completely different but both are really rewarding.
Which one is easier – kitesurfing or surfing?
It’s difficult to answer this question, but for most people learning to kitesurf takes a little bit less time, although you have to master two skills: kite flying and board riding, while when you learn to surf the only thing you have to master is riding a board.

Learning to surf takes a lot of time, patience, courage, willingness and a little bit of strength. Many people start their adventure with this sport on their own by renting the equipment and trying to catch their first waves. However, what I recommend is signing up for the lessons with an instructor who will tell you how to observe the waves, what to pay attention to, how to stand on the board correctly and will give you a lot of advices that will make learning much more enjoyable, easier and certainly faster.
The first step in surfing is getting to the point where the waves start breaking. You will need some strength to get there, because you’ll get there by paddling. After your first surfing lesson, you can definitely expect some serious muscle soreness. This is the most tiring and time consuming part of surfing. Once you get to the desired place, you have to wait for the right wave to arrive. Waves come in ‘sets’, after some time you will notice a pattern of waves coming while watching the water. When you see the one you want to catch, the real fun begins, you lie down on the board and try to paddle into the wave. If you succeed, it is already a great satisfaction, then you can try to stand on the board.
The next step is … falling off the board. Not once, not twice, not three times, but many many times. And then again you have to paddle back. That is why learning to surf requires a lot of patience, but if you have the opportunity to try it, do not hesitate for a moment.
Surfing is also a good alternative for windless days, the best days for surfing are windless (or with very light offshore wind), and for kitesurfing those with about 12knots of wind, so if you are interested in both sports, the best way is to travel to a spot where, depending on wind conditions, you can choose one of the disciplines.